"I couldn't think of three people I'd rather be here with tonight…" #SNLFinale pic.twitter.com/bEWl2D14BS
- Saturday Night Live - SNL (@nbcsnl) May 20, 2018
Robert De Niro is famous for not needing words to intimidate people, and he lent this special gift to Saturday Night Live in a brief appearance as Russia probe special counsel Robert Mueller on May 19. The sketch also starred Alec Baldwin in another appearance as President Donald Trump, holding a meeting with sons Don Jr. and Eric, Rudy Giuliani (Kate McKinnon), and Michael Cohen (Ben Stiller) inside a New Jersey diner - a deliberate nod to the ambiguous The Sopranos series finale.
De Niro's quick Mueller cameo was entirely silent, and featured a hand gesture which will look familiar to any Meet the Parents fan: a wordless "I'm watching you." Sometimes, you don't need to say a thing to send your message - just a stern look and the power of a massive government investigation behind you.
Watch the sketch above, then read Alec Baldwin's take on his recurring role spoofing the president.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/news/Saturday-Night-Live-Robert-Mueller-Sketch-May-2018-44863750