Outstanding afternoon. "I've often said there's nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse." -Pres. Reagan #VPinMT pic.twitter.com/vagCjbLnxD
- Vice President Pence (@VP) May 13, 2017
If you thought President Donald Trump's first 100 days were strange, just wait until you read Mike Pence's latest tweet. On May 12, the current vice president tweeted out a photo of himself standing next to a white horse, but it was his head-scratching caption that no one could understand.
"Outstanding afternoon. 'I've often said there's nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.' -Pres. Reagan," Pence tweeted. If you've found yourself feeling dumbfounded, you're not alone. The internet collectively had a "WTF" moment over Pence's use of an esoteric Ronald Reagan quote and made sure to let Pence know it.
To make matters even stranger, it's unclear who (if anyone) actually said the phrase Pence is referring to. Some sources attribute the quote to Ronald Reagan, others to Winston Churchill, and one author claims it's neither.
Keep reading to see some of the best reactions ahead.
girl what https://t.co/p5MkZgKtpA
- JuanPa (@jpbrammer) May 13, 2017
@VP pic.twitter.com/oZqAse0Zxw
- kim (@kim) May 13, 2017
@VP Lol what does that even mean? Are you sleeping with the horse
- Ali Gul Pir (@Aligulpir) May 13, 2017
@VP does your wife know about this? Does she allow it?
- Tim Rogers (@nicadispatch) May 13, 2017
@VP a horse is a horse
of course of course
and noone can talk to a horse
of course
that is of course
unless the horse
is inside of michael pence- jon of the galaxy 🚀 (@jonrosenberg) May 13, 2017
@VP i would re word that a little ..i just woke up and pic.twitter.com/GJyTDHJLXB
- Reverend Bob Levy (@TheRevBobLevy) May 13, 2017
Come to your own conclusions. https://t.co/WZblHROtYi
- Joshua Bloch (@joshbloch) May 13, 2017
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/news/Mike-Pence-Tweet-About-Horses-43532088