Ruth Bader Ginsburg Gave Us Valuable Insights Into Scrunchies, and We Are Not Worthy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: defender of the Constitution, American civil liberties, and . . . scrunchies! Yup, just like everyone else these days, the Supreme Court Justice has some opinions about the decidedly '90s hair accessory (which we're supposed to call hair clouds now, by the way). She recently shared those feelings during an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

"I have been wearing scrunchies for years," Justice Ginsburg told the Journal. But you won't find her perusing her local drugstore to get her fix. Only the choicest picks will do: "My best scrunchies come from Zurich. Next best, London, and third best, Rome." We wonder what she thinks about Slip's new luxe, silk scrunches ($39)?

And it seems as though Justice Ginsburg should make room on her vanity for the scrunchie invasion. "My scrunchie collection is not as large as my collar and glove collections, but scrunchies are catching up," she said.

Read on to see Justice Ginsburg's best scrunchie moments. Once you see how she rocks the hair tie, you'll never be able to imagine her without one again.


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