Few things can cure the Droughtlander we're currently experiencing as we eagerly await season four of Outlander, but the latest news about Starz's time-traveling drama might come close.
At the For Your Consideration: Outlander panel in LA on Sunday, executive producer Ronald D. Moore had an exciting tidbit to share with the audience. Even though season four has yet to hit our TV screens, Moore confirmed that season five is already in the works, according to Entertainment Weekly. Now, Starz hasn't officially renewed it, but Moore mentioned that's only because the "usual negotiations and conversations" have been delaying things. That being said, Moore declared it's pretty much a done deal. "We are certainly going to do it," he said. "I have no doubt we are doing a season five."
You hear that, Sassenachs? More near-death experiences for Claire and Jamie are in our future! Outlander is based on Diana Gabaldon's bestselling book series of the same name, with season four presumably following book four, Drums of Autumn, and season five taking on the story in the fifth book, The Fiery Cross. However, Moore mentioned that the way the show goes about adapting Gabaldon's work might change as they move forward.
"Every year we approach it fresh," he explained to EW. "Should we keep it a book a season? We've done that up until now. But we've talked about splitting books, and we've talked about combining them. We want to be free in the writers' room to pick and choose and do what feels most comfortable that year."
Season four is still in production, but don't worry - we have plenty of ways for you to keep your mind busy until Outlander returns.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Outlander-Season-5-44677786