Jesse McCartney's New Song Will Make You Feel Like It's 2004 Again (No, Really)

Jesse McCartney is back! After four years, the singer and actor returned this week with his new acoustic tune "Better With You" to soothe my (ahem . . . beautiful) soul all over again. He's been known for his catchy pop songs since his career started in the late '90s (never forget those Dream Street days), and his comeback proves that McCartney still knows what works: romance.

McCartney revealed in a recent interview with Paper that this new single is most reminiscent of his fan-favorite "Beautiful Soul" and has a "nostalgic sound." While the general theme of his songs stays the same, his music has definitely matured over time. He describes "Better With You" as a "hopeful, uplifting message" - also known as a pop single that I can shamelessly keep on repeat, even as an adult. Someone call my 2004 self, because she's going to want to hear this.


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