George W. Bush Is the Biggest Beneficiary of the Trump Administration - and He Knows It

George W. Bush seems to be well aware of how much he's benefited from the current administration, and though the former president hasn't explicitly criticized Donald Trump, he did allude to the president in a speech back on Oct. 19 when he said, "Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication." According to a new report, though, Bush continues to privately talk about Trump and joke that he looks better by comparison.

National Journal, a membership-only research company, spoke with a Republican official who said Bush frequently jokes about the current administration at recent social events and gatherings. Bush has reportedly said, "Sorta makes me look pretty good, doesn't it?"

On a related note, the former president also seems to be just as confused by the chaos engulfing in the White House as we are. "He's shaking his head like everyone else wondering why they can't get their act together," the source told National Journal. "He wants the guy to succeed but thinks a lot of his problems are self-inflicted."

As people have been comparing and contrasting the failings of the two administrations, Will Ferrell recently reprised his Bush impression on Saturday Night Live to remind everyone how "bad" he was in office. Watch the helpful reminder here.


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