20 of the Most Hilarious Venmo Payments

If you're not using Venmo yet, you're missing out. The app makes paying your friends back so much easier, and you never have to worry about having the right amount of cash on you. Plus, one of its greatest features is a stream that shows users' payments. And - as a Venmo rule - the payment must include a description. It's like any social media news feed you're used to, but it offers a quick glimpse into people's escapades. Sure, most of what you see on the feed is what you'd expect . . . friends paying back friends for drinks, cabs, and rent. But you also see the occasional hilarious or crazy one-liner, and you wonder if it's for real or totally made up. We may never know, but they sure are entertaining.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/tech/Hilarious-Venmo-Payments-36938651

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