This Video Fighting Back Against Street Harassment Is the True Definition of Girl Power

One of the most unfortunate realities of being a woman in 2017 is that catcalling is still a very real, very common occurrence. In fact, according to a study conducted by Cornell University and Hollaback!, 85 percent of women in the US will have experienced some form of street harassment by the time they turn 17. If you need a reminder of just how dire things can get, viral sensation 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman encapsulates just how frustrating the simple act of walking on the street can be - regardless of where in the world she might be. It's against this backdrop that five Latina and black women came together to fight back against the epidemic, and what they came up with is one of the most stunning video projects we've seen in a very, very long time.

ELEPHANT combines dance, poetry, music, and art in order to present an empowered world in which street harassment doesn't deter a woman from walking down the street and living her life. Using all these artistic mediums, the film depicts a freer self and an aspirational goal of a woman who doesn't hide her form in order to protect her mental and physical well-being. "I hope it will shed some light on what it feels like to simply walk down the streets as a woman. How we are made to feel as if our bodies are property or entertainment," Alicia Cobb, one of the creators of the film, told NBC Latino. "Maybe the men who see it will think twice before they whistle, cat call, stare, grab, or demean a woman again." And from where we stand, they did a damn good job of getting this sentiment across.

Watch the film in its entirety above, and if you're looking for an outlet for your frustrations on this subject, we highly recommend joining the Hollaback! movement.


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