Let's get one thing straight: tattoos hurt - plain and simple. On an objective level, this should be self-explanatory; after all, a tattoo is a form of body modification that involves using a needle to penetrate pigment through and into multiple layers of skin (fun!). But that still doesn't stop the masses - my pretattooed self included - from googling "do tattoos hurt?" on an obscenely regular basis. What is not so obvious, however, is that they hurt (and heal . . . and wear) very differently based on where you get them.
With eight tattoos decorating various parts of my body, I can confirm this is indeed the truth. So to help inform or inspire your next (or first) ink, we're breaking down what to expect in terms of pain, healing, and wear on all of the most popular tattoo spots. Just remember: these are general guidelines only. Pain thresholds and healing speeds can vary significantly from person to person. Happy inking!
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/beauty/Tattoo-Pain-Based-Location-44562619