Bono's Dig at Trump Was Censored During the Grammys - Here's What He Said

There was no lack of political statements at Sunday night's Grammys. While some carried white roses to honor the Time's Up movement, others like Kendrick Lamar and Logic used their performances to voice their disgust with President Donald Trump's antics - specifically, his alleged reference to African and Haitian countries being "sh*thole countries."

After U2's highly political performance of "XXX" with Kendrick Lamar, the group later performed "Get Out of Your Own Way" in front of the Statue of Liberty, where Bono used the stage to give a shout-out to the "sh*thole countries" Trump so horribly referred to earlier this month. While Pitchfork reports Bono's comment was censored on live TV, the video above captured the dig at Trump in its entirety.

Around the 3:30 mark, Bono took a patriotic megaphone and preached, "Blessed are the sh*thole countries, for they gave us the American dream . . . Blessed are the bullies, for one day they will have to stand up to themselves." These statements were inspired by the studio version of the song, where Kendrick's lyrics on the outro also refer to the "blessed."


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