2018 Is the Year For You, Capricorn - So Grab It by the Horns!

It's been a hell of a year for you, Capricorn. In 2018, you will find more clarity and the perspective you have been looking for, and this also means it will be easier for you to achieve all that you are after.

Capricorn is one of the most self-driven and determined of all the zodiac signs. Your drive and overall sense of responsibility sets you apart from others. You also tend to have a serious side and are naturally very independent. This means you are the ruler of your own domain, you're regimented, and you like to make a plan and stick to it. You are very grounded and often learn from your mistakes and from those around you.

Despite these great qualities, you can sometimes be a know-it-all and expect the worst. While it is in your nature, in 2018, try to lighten up and not take things so seriously!

2018 Outlook

You will start the new year off strong with Neptune, the sun, and Venus working together, which will bring good things your way. Mars and Jupiter are also in a cooperative mood this time of year with the sun and Pluto helping you to be the best version of yourself during this time.

Things shift a little when Saturn comes back to Capricorn, but you will feel like you are the boss and in control. Come Summer, things change up a bit again with Mars in retrograde, but this means your focus will shift and a new sense of energy will be coming your way.

A Saturn retrograde will also happen from mid-April until the beginning of September. Be wary, because you may start to feel impatient and even anxious this time of year. Don't fret, though. Try to stay on top of it, and you can work your way out of it. Stay organized and stand your ground, and you will come out of it a better, stronger you.

Career and Finance

The beginning and end of the year will treat you best, lovely Capricorn, but don't count out the middle months yet. That's when you will find your groove and make the most headway.

You may find yourself in a bit of a competitive mode with other people's money and job situations in February and March. But don't let it get you down; you are the purveyor of all the knowledge at your job and people seek you out for your advice.

Be ready for a Jupiter retrograde that will last from March until the beginning of July. Be ready to trim some fat from your budget and try to spend a little less. Come April, be prepared for a Saturn retrograde, which means you will be making more money, which means you have more to spend.

The Summer will bring a Mars retrograde, and you should watch your spending and finances around this time. But with Saturn on your side all year, it will be difficult to slow you down.

In November, Uranus goes into retrograde move as it goes back to Aries, and for you, this means it will be a good time to focus on yourself.

Love and Relationships

The first quarter of the year will be filled with many social events and new exciting connections. If you're single, although you may have some long-term relationship goals, don't put all your eggs in one basket. It will best to pursue that once the Mercury retrograde is over in April.

In August, you may find yourself in a new relationship challenge if you're flying solo, and someone you weren't expecting to make an effort may do so. With Mars now in retrograde, don't let love get the best of you. This is a chaotic time, and Mercury retrograde is also flaring its head again. Keep your wits about you.

Come October and lasting through mid-November, Venus will be in retrograde. This may be a good time for you to get a little perspective and rethink a relationship. Tread lightly and play your cards close to your sleeve come December, because many people may be coming out of the woodwork for you by then.

If you're in a relationship, things start off strong. You may find yourself in the position of always being the responsible one, but don't be afraid to mix it up and have some fun.

Your partner will be very interested in what you have to say this year. Pay close attention to what you are saying in February and March. Things may seem better than they are, so keep a level head.

Things may also be a bit challenging with three Mercury retrogrades in the works. In April, it may be hard to find a middle ground. Come August, things slow down a bit, which you may both appreciate. By December, though, you two will be hot for each other.


This last year was good to your health, Capricorn. And you should expect more in the coming year. However, if you have been experiencing some health issues, you can expect to hear some good news by the end of the year. Remember to consider your whole health - mental, physical, and emotional - and stay in tune with each of these aspects in 2018.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/love/2018-Zodiac-Forecast-Capricorn-44466213

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