Pink's Response to a Stranger's Criticism of Carey Hart's Parenting Is Gold, as Usual

Really, parenting police? We're going to call out Pink again? It seems like the singer can't post anything about her kids without the need for a "clap back" a little while later thanks to comments from the peanut gallery. This time, Pink posted a cute picture of her 1-year-old son, Jameson, messily eating chocolate that got on his hands and face. "Chocolate is good for babies right? Help me Instagram, we can't possibly parent without you," Pink wrote in the caption as a cheeky nod to the fact that she knows people would have something to say.

Sure enough, someone offered unsolicited advice that wasn't even related to the chocolate. (It also didn't make total sense grammatically, but that's not surprising). The commenter said she, too, loves sarcasm but that it's inappropriate here because Pink's husband, Carey Hart, has a "complete lack of regard for proper care or concern at times with your kids." She continued, "I love your music, your kids are beautiful, but your husband, I'm sorry, lacks the responsibility your kids need in his care."

Source: Instagram

It didn't take long for Pink to respond. "You sound well informed on the performance of my husband. Answer me this: how often have you spent any time with my husband? How often have you watched him parent? Do you know my children? Are you aware of their development? Even better: what are your credentials in parenting expertise?" Pink has been refreshingly open about the fact that she doesn't have it all figured out as a parent (who does?).

She finished by saying, "God bless your perfect path. I have no interest in that myself. However, do check in from time to time to let us all know what other teachings you may have for us, oh perfect f*cking stranger." Lesson learned: trolls stand no chance against Pink.