The Sweet Way 1 Woman Helped a Mom Struggling to Style Her Black Daughter's Hair

Stephanie Hollifield, a Georgia mom who adopted her adorable daughter Haley when she was 8 months old, is the first to admit that she knows little about what's involved in styling Black hair. But once Haley turned 2, Stephanie knew that she needed to step things up and style and nourish Haley's hair in a way that would ensure her daughter was happy and comfortable. Although Stephanie didn't have any first-hand experience styling Black hair, she asked for help via a Facebook post at the risk of sounding clueless:

Dear Black Friends of Social Media, This clueless white momma is humbly coming to you to ask your help with Haley's hair. I have asked my friends. I have asked strangers in Publix with kids with cute hair, and I'm still not getting it. We wash once a week. We do the water, leave in conditioner, oil, and hot towel every morning. We've tried more products, no products, less products. We are gentle as can be, but she still requires at least 6 minutes of cuddles after the trauma of her daily hair combing. I feel like it looks great for about an hour or two and then it is tangly and clumpy again. This picture is three hours into the day. What am I doing wrong? I have literally bought every product that has been recommended to us. I desperately want to get this right!

Fortunately, Monica Hunter - another mom from Georgia who happened to know a lot about styling hair - saw the plea and offered some assistance. "I applaud her for reaching out and asking for help, because that's not easy at all," Monica told Yahoo Lifestyle. "I told her about different products she could use on her baby's hair. Then I said, 'If you ever need help, I'll come over and help. I'm serious. We'll style Miss Haley's hair!'"

One thing led to another and soon enough, Monica was on the Hollifields' doorstep armed with combs, headbands, and hair products. "It was important to me to touch Haley's hair," Monica said. "Some hair is really soft, some is really kinky. With some, the coils are loose, with some, they're tight."

For Haley's hair, Monica sprung for a protective style that will encourage her hair to grow. She parted her hair and applied oil to it before sectioning it off into little ponytails and finishing the look with a headband.

In a follow-up post, Stephanie expressed her gratitude to Monica and said she feels more confident doing Haley's hair on her own now.

"This lady, Monica Hunter, who I had never met in person before today, offered to come to my house and walk me through exactly how to style my daughter's hair," she wrote. "She asked for nothing in return and wouldn't accept my money. By the time she left I had a little more confidence in fixing my daughter's hair, and most importantly I felt supported by my new friend. In a time of so much hate and division, our world needs more people like this."