Is Love in the Stars? Check Your 2018 Zodiac Forecast

Next year, love may be in the air (if you're a lucky sign, that is). Now that 2018 is here, it's time to open your hearts to new relationships, ones both platonic and intimate. You may have gotten engaged or married or rekindled a previous flame this past year - and if so, congrats! - or maybe you're single and waiting to find your perfect match. (And, if you're curious, here's a way to know which signs you're most compatible with.) Even if you have been fortunate to find your "person," there's always room for more connections in life. After all, close, personal relationships can improve health and happiness. Good news: we have a quick guide as to what the new year holds in terms of love, thanks to astrologer Valerie Mesa, who spoke with POPSUGAR. Get your 2018 love forecast now!