Model and actor Indya Moore arrived at the Emmy awards with one of 2019's trendiest hairstyles. The Pose star debuted a shag haircut that looked great with their curls. To let the cut really stand out, Moore kept the rest of their makeup minimal except for some fluttery lashes, which gave their overall beauty look a glamorous '70s feel.
Hairstylist Devin Toth previously described the shag haircut to POPSUGAR. "The shag haircut is, in a nutshell, a lob with bangs," he said. "It's so popular right now because it adds a different, more interesting kind of geometry around the face, and not just at the bottom length of the haircut like the lob does at the collar bone. Of course, there are variations of the bangs, the layers, and the hair textures."
Ahead, check out Moore's retro-looking shag haircut.