How to Open a Stubborn Jar With Ease

It's frustrating when a jar lid is exceptionally hard to remove. I always hear my father's voice say, "Pretend you're on a desert island and that's all you have to eat." After a childhood of that, I've figured out a no-fail trick for opening difficult jars. The secret ingredient? A spoon. Here's what you do:

  1. Hold the spoon in one hand and the jar firmly in the other.
  2. Nestle the spoon in the crack between the lid and the glass. Push up and back. You want to break the seal.
  3. Press up with the spoon to loosen the lid. If the seal does not break, rotate the jar and repeat, pressing up and back with the spoon until you hear a pop.
  4. Let go of the spoon and twist the lid off. It will come of smoothly and easily.

How do you deal with frustrating lids? What's your trick to remove them?


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