Warning: This post is full of Game of Thrones spoilers!
The second-to-last episode of Game of Thrones is jam-packed with important moments: Varys's death, Daenerys's full descent into madness, Cleganebowl, and the Lannister twins' last reunion. Yet, while all the action plays out onscreen, an NFL star manages to make a quick cameo before suffering the tragic same fate as most of King's Landing.
I think I found @AaronRodgers12 in #GameofThrones! pic.twitter.com/yeruuf2DMa
- Andrew Petz (@PetziCola) May 13, 2019
In season eight's fifth episode, Cersei employs the Golden Company to protect the kingdom against Daenerys. Among the soldiers stands real-life Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers - although if you blink, you might miss him! The football player's defenses are in vain, however. Despite his best efforts, Rodgers's character succumbs to the Dragon Queen's wrath and meets a violent, fiery end.
The show's secrets are usually kept under tight wraps, but Rodgers has been teasing his cameo for a while now. "Episode 5 should be good," he tweeted last month, giving a sly nod to his appearance. No word yet on how Rodgers feels about his scenes, but something tells us any fan would appreciate a dramatic Game of Thrones entrance (and exit) like his.
Aaron Rodgers on #GameofThrones #kingofthenorth #GoT @AaronRodgers12 @tyschmit @PatMcAfeeShow pic.twitter.com/Pex3hveCgP
- Rich Huber (@Goprobassguy) May 13, 2019
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Aaron-Rodgers-Cameo-Game-Thrones-Season-8-Episode-5-46146687