Chanel Cruise Featured Jewel and Leather Barrettes, and Now All I Want Is a Chanel Barrette

The Chanel Cruise 2020 runway show marks the second collection since Karl Lagerfeld's death and the first that would have included no input from him when it came to the hair and makeup look for show. Nevertheless, Lagerfeld's presence could be sensed with the incorporation of twinkly barrettes - a favorite beauty accessory of the brand's legendary former creative director.

"The hair at Chanel today was luxe, well-cared for, understated glamour," hairstylist Sam McKnight told POPSUGAR via email after the show. "The setting was a train station, evoking the last glamour of travel of the '70s, but we brought it up to date with a very modern mix of textures." That meant there wasn't one single style on the runway but rather McKnight and his team highlighted each models' own texture, coaxing out any bend, wave, curl, or coil with a mix of Moroccanoil (£32), Cool Girl Texture Spray (£25), and Modern Hairspray (£22) - the latter two being products from McKnight's own line. "We have curls, bobs, and long luxurious lengths, but they're not undone [looks] - the hair is full of shine and movement."

Topping off a few of those curls, bobs, and long hairstyles were dainty Chanel-made clips that McKnight slipped into one side of the hair, Margot Tenenbaum style. Close-ups of the twinkly accessories reveal barrettes topped with gems, chains, strips of leather, and, of course, a few double "C" charms for good measure. These subtle baubles, along with the glossy blackberry lip color makeup artist Lucia Pica used on a few models whose faces were otherwise pretty bare (side note: it was a mix of two new Chanel beauty products coming out this fall, Rouge Allure Velvet Extreme Rouge Obscur and Rouge Coco Gloss in Laque Noire), send the message that you don't need a lot to make a big beauty statement this Summer.


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