Love, marriage, kids. Love, kids, marriage. Love, partnership, kids. There are a million scenarios when it comes to relationships, and all of them are completely their own unique experience. Whether you are married to your partner and have kids together or are not married but in a committed relationship with kids, you likely experience trials: ups, downs, twists, curves, highs, and lows.
I am married to my lovely male partner, and right now we are in a good place. A few months ago, we were not in the best of places. And then a few months before that, it was extremely good. It has been - and I imagine will continue to be - full of changes. But I am beginning to notice a pattern of what seems to work for us and what helps us be in the best place in our relationship. We are a stronger couple now because of all the hard work we put in. This is how we managed to make our marriage stronger after kids and work to make it stronger every single day.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/family/Marriage-Tips-After-Baby-45971308