Game of Thrones: The Night King Invades Winterfell in the Preview For Next Week's Episode

All hell is about to break loose on Game of Thrones. No, seriously - we've seen the Battle of Hardhome, and the Battle of the Bastards, but season eight's Battle of Winterfell promises to be the bloodiest, longest, and most intense clash of enemies on the HBO fantasy series to air thus far.

The second episode in the season essentially serves to gear up all our favorite characters for the massive fight against the Night King's undead army. We see Arya do someone something, uh, very exciting, as well as Lady Brienne of Tarth finally becoming a knight (which is long overdue, and beyond well deserved). And, next Sunday, we might have to watch them all die. Lovely!

The preview for the third episode begins with a voice-over from MVP Sansa Stark, who declares that, "The most heroic thing we can do now is look the truth in the face." Then, everyone from Jon Snow, to Daenerys, to Theon, is seen preparing for battle, before Brienne screams "Stand your ground!" in the middle of a sprawling line of soldiers.

It's time to start praying for Winterfell, if you're not doing so already.


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