This Is Us Reveals the Fate of Kate and Her Baby, and It's All Too Much to Take

Warning: spoilers for This Is Us ahead!

This Is Us really knows how to keep us on our toes. After Kate goes into early labor, emotions are heightened as the Pearson family sits together in the waiting room. Randall and Beth are fighting about their work, Kevin is grappling with his alcoholism, and poor Miguel is just trying to lighten the mood with a fun game. Following everyone's constant bickering, Rebecca finally speaks up and tells them to shut up and put their main focus on Kate.

After what seems like an eternity of waiting, we finally get an update on Kate and her baby. Spoiler: they are both fine! Though Toby and Kate's son is very premature, the emergency C-section went well and he's currently recuperating. The two go to visit their son as he sleeps in an incubator, and that's when the waterworks start!

Following some careful consideration, Kate tells Toby she really wants to name their child Jack, to which he agrees. She then prays to her dad and asks him to watch over their son and protect him. While Kate and Toby definitely have a long road ahead of them as first-time parents, it was certainly a sweet touch to have their son named after Kate's late father.