Sorry but, No, Your Children Can't Come to My Wedding

Let's get one thing straight: I really do adore children. I like to coo at them on the train, and I'm the first person to offer up an "Oh my God, your baby is so cute!" to parents walking by with their little ones. But despite being an assistant editor on the Moms team who actually gets paid to write about kids every single day - I'm still not having them at my wedding. And trust me, it's really nothing personal.

Let me assure you that I'm not a complete bridezilla who insists that the spotlight is on her and on her only for the entire day. I'm fully aware that my wedding day is also about my future husband and the family and friends that celebrate with us. However, I feel pretty strongly that a wedding reception isn't exactly the best place to have a bunch of little kids running around, and to be quite honest, I'm sure they wouldn't exactly be looking forward to it, either.

So before you pass judgment, hear out my reasons. Not all brides who don't want children at their weddings are complete monsters.