This Photo of a College Student Wearing Shorts Is Going Viral For the Most Relatable Reason Ever

A Minnesota college student named Miles has suddenly been thrust into the spotlight for a hilarious reason: he was caught wearing shorts in the middle of Winter. And we're not talking about a 40-degree day. Think more along the lines of below freezing, polar vortex temperatures. It all started when a reporter from the Star Tribune headed to the University of Minnesota to do a story on the freezing weather, and the photographer captured him in a photo. And the best part? The caption. Thankfully, another reporter from the Star Tribune shared exactly what it said on Twitter, and it went viral instantly.

"Miles, a University of Minnesota student who declined to give his last name because he said his mom would be mad at him for how he was dressed, crossed University Avenue Southeast in shorts Tuesday," said the caption. And judging by the reactions on Twitter, tons of people can relate. Regardless of how damn cold it is, some teens will only leave the house with shorts on. Read through to get a peek at some of the best responses.