John Legend Is Singing About Dirty Diapers Again, but This Time He Lands Celebrity Dad Backup

Back in June 2018, John Legend shared with the world his love for dirty diapers . . . well, maybe not for changing dirty diapers, but he definitely loves singing about them. The singer's "Stinky Booty" song, which he's been singing to Luna since she was a baby, was featured in an adorable Pampers ad that made our ovaries explode. Just in time for the Super Bowl, John is back at it again with the stinky booty duty, but this time he's changing baby Miles's diaper, and he needs backup.

The spot, called "Stinky Booty Duty 2.0," is a part of Pampers's new "Love The Change" campaign - which aims to support parents to love the change that comes with life with babies - and will premiere digitally and socially on Super Bowl Sunday. The ad aims to celebrate dads and the special bonds they have with their babies, and it features John, Miles, Luna, and a couple of surprise mystery guests, including another celebrity dad. Although Pampers wasn't willing to spoil the surprise for us ahead of Sunday, Chrissy Teigen was able to shed a bit of light for us.

"We're celebrating all the dads who make all of our children's lives so incredible."

"We're celebrating fathers!" Chrissy told POPSUGAR. "We're so excited to do that. John is such a hands-on dad, and we're celebrating all the dads who make all of our children's lives so incredible. Dads can sometimes be pushed to the side when it comes to parenting, but I have been so lucky to have someone as hands-on and excited to see our children grow up and go through all their little changes as John is."

But even though Chrissy believes that fathers should get all the credit they've earned when it comes to parenting, there's one thing she isn't completely willing to let John have.

"Honestly, a lot of people don't know this, and John and I fight about this, but I think I was the one who came up with the song in the first place! I want full writing credits! 'Stinky Booty' is a Chrissy jam. We have a minor discrepancy over who created it - I think I might have come up with the tune and the words and he came up with more of the tune? I don't know," she said with a laugh. "But he has been singing it to Luna since she was born and then it transferred on to Miles. It's a really adorable thing that's become his thing with the babies, which is wonderful."

In a recent Pampers study, it was found that "90 percent of dads consider themselves to be 'hands-on,' but more than half feel like society places less value on Dad's parenting role than Mom's." The brand told POPSUGAR, "Pampers understands that raising babies is a team sport, and as millions of families tune in to watch the big game together, Pampers saw this as the perfect moment to spotlight and celebrate dads and their special role."

Watch the teaser for the ad above, and follow Pampers on Instagram ahead of Sunday to see which mystery celebrity dad is joining John on #StinkyBootyDuty.