Le #CES2018 nous refait le coup de la machine à plier les chemises avec la startup israélienne @FoldMate. Mais... pour l'instant, c'est fake/concept pic.twitter.com/UM0pa2cRM9
- Jérôme Colombain (@JeromeColombain) January 8, 2018
If you could choose one household chore you'd most want to outsource, it'd likely be either that pile of dishes in the sink or that pile of laundry in the hamper. For the latter, at least, there's a new robot ready to serve.
FoldiMate, a laundry-folding machine, was put to work at this week's CES 2019, the largest tech convention in the world. Although the device actually debuted at the expo two years ago, it's still in prototype mode - and it's still getting oohs and aahs across social media as it folds clothes perfectly, one piece at a time. It'll even spray them with your preferred scent if you'd like!
The $980 washing-machine-size robot does have some restrictions: the current model can handle shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, and towels but not underwear or socks because they're too small. It can process clothes for kids as young as 5 and up to a man's XXL. But toddler and baby clothes - otherwise known as the most annoying items to fold - are no-gos. Annoying, yes, but seeing how FoldiMate won't be available until the end of 2019, in two years, your little one won't be so little anymore.
Would you want the FoldiMate robot in your home?
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/moms/FoldiMate-Laundry-Folding-Robot-44488706