I Do CrossFit and These Are the 19 Arm-Strengthening Exercises I Can't Live Without

If you walk into a CrossFit box, there's minimal equipment. You'll see a few cardio machines like rowers and bikes, but mostly you'll find weights. We're talking barbells, plates, kettlebells, medicine balls, and dumbbells - there are a whole lot of intense workouts involving strength training.

Not only has my upper body completely transformed from two and a half years of CrossFit, but my yoga arm balances and inversions have also gotten way easier to nail, and I can carry at least six huge bags of groceries from the car to my front door (that's the true test of strength!). In order to carve my arms and shoulders, these are the upper-body exercises I do every week.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Best-Exercises-Strong-Arms-45682677

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