Baby Chanco - the 1-Year-Old With Amazingly Full Hair - Is Now a Model

Last year it seemed all of the internet couldn't get enough of then-7-month-old Baby Chanco's thick hair. Between her happy demeanor and voluminous roots, we were all smiling looking through photos. Since then, Baby Chanco, Instagram account (managed by her mom) has grown to an impressive 300,000, and social media followers aren't the only ones paying attention to this budding star: the beauty world is completely taken by her.

On Jan. 7, Chanco made her official debut as a Pantene hair model, and the photo couldn't be cuter. In the ad, the young star is featured alongside Japanese television announcer, Sato Kondo, and Chanco has a huge smile on her face. "We feel [Chanco's] beautiful hair has strong power that makes people positively move forward," Ooshiaki Okura, P&G Japan Hair Care Associate Brand Director, told PEOPLE in an interview. "We went straight to her mother because Chanco's personality and special character matches our image for women we want to support."

In addition to the Pantene Japan ad, Chanco is also featured in a digital short called The Hairy Tale. Watch it below!