An "M. Night Shyamalanathon" Will Screen the Entire Unbreakable Trilogy, and Um, It's Free

Cancel your plans on Saturday, Jan. 12, and make room for an epic M. Night Shyamalan marathon. To celebrate the third and final installment in the Unbreakable trilogy, Alamo Drafthouse is screening all three movies back to back in 25 theaters across the county - and it's free. Cleverly titled the M. Night Shyamalanathon (say that five times fast), the hours-long event will start in the afternoon with Unbreakable (2000), then show Split (2016), and will end with the first-ever American public screening of "explosive comic-book thriller" Glass, for which both Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson returned.

Since tickets are free, all you have to do is reserve your spot at Alamo Drafthouse by purchasing a $5 food-and-drink voucher that you can redeem at the show. If your Drafthouse location is Brooklyn, you're in for an even more special treat: Shyamalan will actually be there for a live conversation that will be broadcast into all other theaters. If this sounds like your kind of Saturday night, snag your spot, dig in to a gigantic bowl of Alamo Drafthouse's truffle popcorn, and get ready for a wild ride.

In addition to the Drafthouse locations, the Egyptian Theatre in LA will host its own free marathon beginning at 4 p.m. If you don't get the chance to go to the marathon, you can see Glass in theaters starting on Jan. 18.


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