2D Animator for Actually Happened + Avocado Couple Projects

Hello! Bright Side is a media resource that’s visited by around 40 million users a month. It’s one of the largest online communities on both Facebook and YouTube. Our authors write excellent articles, our artists produce striking illustrations, and our video animators bring visual joy through their clips! Right now our team of animators is growing, and while we have in the past concentrated on our main Bright Side project, we’re currently best known for some of our other cool projects: Actually Happened, Avocado Couple, Health is Wealth, Dark Side, and 7-Second Riddles. Our team of animation specialists is made up of people from North and South America as well as western Europe, which means we now share our experience with colleagues from different corners of the globe on a daily basis. Here we talk about what our team creates on a daily basis:

from BrightSide RSS https://brightside.me/jobs/2d-animator-for-actually-happened-avocado-couple-projects-658210/

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