This Sore Throat Remedy Is So Simple, You'll Wonder Why You Never Thought of It

It can be hard to know how to treat cold symptoms when medicines and natural remedies so often work better for some people than others, and conventional wisdom tells you to just ride it out. But if you didn't think of this before, you can actually take aspirin to soothe a sore throat, along with other aches and fevers, said W. Daniel Rusinow II, MD, a family physician at the Detroit Medical Center.

"If you are taking blood thinners, are already taking aspirin, or have another condition that puts you at risk of bleeding, aspirin might not be the best choice for you," he added. Otherwise, it's fine to take the over-the-counter medicine to reduce the pain caused by an inflamed throat.

Just be careful not to take aspirin too often. For an occasional sore throat, it's fine to take the recommended dose until the pain passes, but daily usage isn't recommended unless directed by your doctor.

Keep in mind that aspirin should never be given to children or adolescents, and you should always check with your own doctor before starting new medications, even just regular aspirin. If you want an option that suits all ages, Dr. Rusinow recommends Tylenol or drinking tea with honey. We recommend foods like blueberries and oatmeal as well.


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