If the mere sight of Outlander's smoldering hunk Sam Heughan makes you feel all warm and tingly inside, then prepare for some good news. You could actually meet Sam in person and go on a date with him in his native Scotland. In partnership with Omaze, an organization that encourages people to donate money to causes they care about while offering them the chance to meet a celebrity, Sam is encouraging fans and philanthropists to donate to his campaign for the opportunity to have a fairy-tale outing with him.
Anyone who wants to support the campaign can go to Omaze's website and donate $10 to the initiative. Proceeds will benefit My Peak Challenge, a charity that aims to help people live a healthier lifestyle and encourages them to overcome physical challenges. It will also benefit Bloodwise, an organization that helps fund blood cancer research, and Marie Curie, a foundation that offers services to those with terminal illnesses and their families.
The lucky donor will attend the My Peak Challenge gala with Sam and ride a horse-drawn carriage to a Scotland castle, where they'll be able to chat with Sam at a whiskey tasting. To learn more about the campaign, check out the video above before giving for a good cause!
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Sam-Heughan-Omaze-Campaign-2018-45446157