Meet Maxima, the Royal Style Queen About to Make a Very Big Impression

When it comes to modern royal fashion icons, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands doesn't get nearly as many mentions as our favorite British duchesses, Kate and Meghan, but this consort is a style force to be reckoned with. And pretty soon, Maxima's standout choices will get plenty of global attention as she arrives in London for a State Visit. Her knockout wardrobe will undoubtedly make front pages everywhere.

Since marrying into the Dutch Royal Family back in 2002, Maxima Zorreguieta has created her very own sense of royal style. Whether it's daily royal engagements or glittering gala events, this is one consort who knows just what she likes. And we all love it, too.

Maxima rarely puts a fashion foot wrong. Whether it's high profile hats or regal takes on the latest trends, the Queen of the Netherlands always lands a knockout style punch. And let's not even start on the jewels - she may not have started life as a royal, but Maxima was born to wear a tiara.

With the Dutch State Visit to the UK starting on Oct. 23, get your royal style homework done now, and revel in some of Queen Maxima's many style triumphs.


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