27 Awesome Pieces That'll Inspire You to Get the F*ck Out and Vote

We've said it before and we'll say it again: voting is important - like, really f*cking important, guys. Whether you're the first person in line at the polls or you already sent in your absentee ballot, all that matters is that you leave the excuses behind and make your voice heard.

With the midterm elections quickly approaching on Nov. 6, tons of fashion labels and retailers are selling merchandise covered with poignant messages about getting to the polls and submitting those ballots. Lingua Franca is offering a line of cozy sweaters emblazoned with powerful feminist sayings, while Kenneth Cole recently introduced "The Voice Shop," a collection of unisex tees with proceeds benefiting public health and civil liberties initiatives.

We did the digging for you and uncovered 27 of the coolest voting-inspired items out there - shop them ahead until your civic-duty-loving heart's content.

PS - Go vote on Nov. 6.
PPS - Seriously, do it.

from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fashion/Midterm-Election-Voting-T-Shirts-2018-45413086

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