Don't have time to hit the gym for an hour? You don't need to! This workout takes under 15 minutes to complete and works every muscle. At first glance, it may not look that hard. "It's just three rounds," you might think, but even though it's quick, these are high-intensity moves, so you'll burn calories and get a total-body workout. After that last rep, you'll curse your box and barbell, but you'll also feel like a badass for getting through this.
The Workout
Equipment needed: You'll need a box about 10- to 24-inches high, depending on your height and jumping ability, a set of rings or a TRX, and a barbell (35 to 65 pounds) or pair of medium-weight dumbbells (10 to 20 pounds).
Directions: After warming up for five minutes with some light cardio and dynamic stretching, do three rounds AQAP (which means "as quick as possible," taking no rests between exercises or rounds):
30 box jump overs
20 ring rows
10 overhead squats
Make modifications as you need to for this CrossFit workout. Jade Jenny, head CrossFit coach and owner of Champlain Valley CrossFit in Vermont and creator of this workout, said you can do the following substitutions:
- Do box jumps or step-ups if box jump overs are too hard.
- If you're proficient in pull-ups, challenge yourself and do those instead of ring rows.
- If your shoulders are tight, just do front squats instead of overhead squats.
Keep reading for details on how to do each move.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Quick-CrossFit-Workout-45267450