The Bachelorette: Becca Sent [SPOILER] Home, and Now All of Bachelor Nation Is Sobbing

Seven episodes in, we've gotten used to Becca Kufrin eliminating suitor after suitor on her season of The Bachelorette. Recently, we watched through our fingers as both David and Jordan got the ax, followed by a seriously cringeworthy goodbye to Chris. But nothing prepared us for Becca's choice to send Wills Reid home on Monday night.

After telling Leo it just wasn't working out during a group date in the Bahamas, it was down to the 29-year-old graphic designer and Buffalo, NY, native Jason Tartick in terms of whom Becca would choose for her fourth hometown date. Sadly, Wills, a Harry Potter fanatic and fashion icon, got the boot. On the bright side, he now has all of Bachelor Nation rallying for ABC to make him the next Bachelor. See the best tweets about his heartbreaking exit ahead.


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