Can I Have Your Attention, Please? Here Are the Best Books You Can Snag For FREE on Amazon

If you're a voracious reader like me, you're likely never without a book in your back pocket (or backpack, in my case). As soon as I've closed the cover on one novel, I'm immediately picking up another to take its place. To be honest, this aggressive appetite for reading can be a blessing and a curse on my bank account and my bookshelf, since I generally buy each copy individually. I know, I know - I could take advantage of my local library. But my memory's terrible, and nothing's worse than an unreturned book and a library fine.

Just when I thought about dialing back my habit, I discovered Amazon Prime Reading and Kindle Unlimited. All Amazon Prime members have access to a variety of free books through Prime Reading, and for an extra subscription of $10/month, that library expands even more. You can walk around with up to 10 (that's right, 10!) books on your mobile device or Kindle and simply "return" them to Amazon once you're ready to move on. I've rounded up some of the most promising available reads, including the Harry Potter novels and The Handmaid's Tale. So, keep reading, then cancel all your weekend plans, as you've got some reading to do.