Selena Gomez Gave Fans at a Children’s Hospital an Unforgettable Prom Night

Teens and young adults attending the Children's Hospital of Orange County's prom had a few special guests during their annual celebration this year. Selena Gomez, Jack Black, and members of the Grey's Anatomy cast like Caterina Scorsone, James Pickens Jr., Sarah Drew, and Kevin McKidd, met fans during the "Around the World in One Night" themed-dance party on June 24. This event gave teens undergoing cancer treatment, and those who are post-treatment, the opportunity to celebrate prom together while rubbing shoulders with a few of Hollywood's brightest stars.

Prom attendees took photos with the celebrities throughout the night and learned the latest dance moves from Jack, himself. "I just wanted to teach you a couple, because that's the most important thing at a prom," the actor told the cheering crowd. After the festivities, the CHOC shared photos of the night on Instagram, and guests left comments thanking the stars for joining in the night. Keep reading to see more snaps, plus a fun video of Jack leading the dance floor.