How to Show Your Partner You Love Them - Because Actions Speak Louder Than Words

"I love you" is an incredibly powerful phrase, but as much as it has meaning, not everyone feels the same impact from the utterance. The reality is we all need to receive love and give love in a variety of ways, some of which aren't verbal. Some of us need to feel that "I love you" in a completely different way beyond those three words.

In fact, according to Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, there are five languages of love. These five love languages are: receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service (devotion), and physical touch. Do you know which one(s) you speak?

So, depending on how you or your partner need to feel loved, whether it's a lavish gift, a massage, or something else, read on to find the best, most powerful ways you can tell your partner how much he or she means to you that go beyond just saying, "I love you." Share with your partner to give ideas on some ways he or she can return the lovin' too.