Me: which aisle can i find light bulbs?
Walmart employee: pic.twitter.com/bwiWQAsz6O- David (@dumbassvegan) March 27, 2018
It's truly only a matter of time before 10-year-old Mason Ramsey makes a well-deserved appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The young boy is taking the internet by storm after video footage surfaced of him showing off his yodeling chops in the middle of a Walmart in Harrisburg, IL. In the now-viral clip, Mason belts out the lyrics to Hank Williams Jr.'s "Lovesick Blues" while engaging in some off-beat foot tapping (and standing in front of a lovely selection of air mattresses). Having donned a red bow tie, a sizable belt buckle, and clunky boots, Mason puts his impressive yodel on display for his fellow Walmart shoppers, and to be honest, the kid's got talent that anyone - even non-yodelers - can appreciate.
When the internet caught wind of Mason's legendary singing skills, the Illinois boy went through what we like to call "the meme treatment": almost instantaneously, dozens of Twitter users found themselves cracking wise about his yodeling on social media. Below is just a sampling of the LOL-worthy meme, but watch out, Salt Bae - "Walmart Yodel Boy" is here to snatch your spotlight faster than you can sensually sprinkle salt on a hunk of meat.
"how could you even watch the walmart yodel boy"
me, an intellectual: pic.twitter.com/GU9xDhzQ3P- salwa (@salyonce) April 1, 2018
Me if I ever hear the yodel kid around the isle at Walmart pic.twitter.com/MQzBJspi9v
- Pijus Bulvinas (@pbulvinas) April 2, 2018
Me: I hate country
Walmart yodel boy: sweet daaaAaaAaady such a beautiful dream
Me: pic.twitter.com/hWfV26Yrs8- Aïcha (@aiesthetic) April 1, 2018
me arriving at the walmart cyrus is in, vocal chords perfectly lubricated, ready to yodel pic.twitter.com/2BXGLliye4
- jaq !! (@vices_era) March 31, 2018
"how could you even watch the walmart yodel boy"
me, an intellectual: pic.twitter.com/JZoNVQrGSE- gheeda (@kehlanimila) April 1, 2018
When you finish your yodel solo in front of your grandma at Walmart pic.twitter.com/gokT35Vjen
- Nathan Winn (@The_Winnster) March 31, 2018
No one can seem to get Mason's yodeling out of their heads.
them: are you ok
me: I'm fine
my brain: pic.twitter.com/tfhjIB3HaD- heaviside (@vgestrellita) April 1, 2018
the walmart yodel kid isn't a joke anymore I've been singing this song for 3 days straight
- xana 2.0 (@xxaannaa23) April 3, 2018
i've had walmart yodel boy stuck in my head for a solid six hours now pls send help
- sweet tea (@lilpumpknmuffin) April 3, 2018
friend: hey u ok? u seem kinda distant
me: yeah of course!
my mind: why is that kid even singing in a walmart? where did he learn to yodel like that? in what state did this happen? did his mom put him up to that? did the crowd clap when he finished? do you th- sav!! ✨🤸♂️🌺 (@paaparoni) March 31, 2018
i cant stop thinking about yeehaw walmart yodel boy. he's been running through my mind all day. im so scared. please help me. pic.twitter.com/sX3JfRcL0m
- helena (@helenabelete) March 31, 2018
A few dedicated fans went so far as to imitate him in their local Walmarts.
Today I learned that I'll leave yodeling in Walmart to Mason Ramsey. @TheEllenShow, if yeehaw yodel boy cant make it on the show, you know where to find me. pic.twitter.com/rCDHcFIboC
- alexa (@alexatabbacc) April 2, 2018
So I went to Walmart this morning looking for the yodel kid and this happened 💀 pic.twitter.com/paMV9L7MNy
- THATBOYJAY🌊 (@JayPartyboyy) April 3, 2018
Some people even made their own interesting remixes.
Walmart yodel kid get at me pic.twitter.com/kbJ9uZFfri
- alex medina (@mrmedina) April 2, 2018
There should probably be some sort of law prohibiting this pic.twitter.com/LGS38MQ87f
- lowercase (@lowercase464) April 1, 2018
Can stop listening to the yodel Walmart boy remix. Every time the beat drops I transcend the physical world pic.twitter.com/EqS99BGdwC
- Helen Mendoza (@helenmendozaa) April 3, 2018
the only exception feat. walmart yodel boy pic.twitter.com/geiKWVB5Ek
- emma (@misguidedem) April 1, 2018
One person made a Sims version of Mason's viral video.
we made the walmart yodel boy on sims pic.twitter.com/DA6D0ZlAEF
- juullian (@100dollajill) April 1, 2018
The internet thinks he could be a serious threat to other artists.
somewhere father john misty is watching the walmart yodel boy SHAKING
- jaboukie young-white (@jaboukie) April 1, 2018
taylor swift: boring, old, has been, strained vocals
walmart yodel kid: smart, revolutionary, DaAdDDddDy, skinny, king of yodeling, young- george (@_gapc) March 31, 2018
*Waits for official confirmation of Mason's first musical tour*
Can't wait for this Yodel Kid x Walmart tour y'all pic.twitter.com/EcN1DsZkrZ
- Alex Chaney (@alexalexchaney) April 3, 2018
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/news/What-Walmart-Yodel-Boy-Meme-44719223