You'd think with three kids, my house would look like the aftermath of a tornado. But - and I'm not trying to brag - my house is always clean, and it is because of one simple hack. Yup, my house-cleaning system is super easy, and takes up almost no time. Drum roll please: I perform one cleaning task each day, on a rotating basis.
You may stop by my house on any given day and assume I just spent all weekend scrubbing bathtubs, mopping floors, and polishing windows, then screaming at my kids to, well, stop existing in our house, so it stays spotless. The truth is, I only devote a few minutes each day to cleaning. Monday, maybe I'll dust. Tuesday, I clean a bathroom. Wednesday's project is another bathroom. Thursday, I'm mopping, and Friday, I vacuum. Saturday I'll wipe down the kitchen appliances. Sunday I might do windows, or change sheets.
This cleaning hack works well for me because I never become overwhelmed with chores. I don't resent having to clean my house. I know whatever task I am performing will only take a short period of time, and then I can enjoy the rest of my day. Also, no part of my home ever gets super dirty this way, as I don't go too long in between dusting or mopping.
When my kids attempt to derail my system by tracking in dirt from outside or leaving fingerprints on the refrigerator, I just take a few minutes to tidy up after them. Then I stop cleaning, without letting my cleaning spree spiral into a full-blown overhaul of the house. So best of all, my hack helps me to look at cleaning as a bite-size job, rather than a seven-course meal, and is far more appetizing in general, no matter the circumstances.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/moms/Easy-Way-Keep-Your-House-Clean-44658492