The Story Behind How This Couple Met Is Straight Out of a Romantic Comedy

On the first day of statistics class, Kelsey walked in and realized she was the only girl in a class full of computer science majors. She was worried she was in the wrong class, especially as an anthropology grad student. With an armful of books, she stumbled through the narrow row of desks and dropped her bottle of soda loudly in the silent room. Embarrassed, she quickly took a seat behind a cute boy in an Eagles baseball hat with his headphones in. Kelsey completely forgot she had dropped the soda and opened it once the professor started class, causing it to explode all over the cute guy in front of her. The whole class stopped and he turned around and said, "Hi, I'm Mike." He was more than nice about the incident, but they barely spoke for the rest of the semester. That is, until the final exam when Kelsey organized a study group to make sure she could talk to him. She made buffalo chicken dip for their last session, which happened to be Mike's favorite. They exchanged numbers at the end of it, and the rest is history.

Fast forward a few years later on the day before Christmas Eve, when Mike suggested they go to Christmas in the Park, a San Jose, CA, tradition. They walked around Winter Wonderland while sipping hot cocoa until Mike suggested they take a picture together in front of the tree. He walked over to a family and asked the woman to take their photo, adding that he was going to propose. As the couple posed, he knelt down on one knee and continued with his prepared speech that Kelsey basically missed while sobbing.

When it came to choosing their venue, they went with the Sagamore right beside the lake where Kelsey vacationed every year as a child. She even told her family when she was 5 years old that she'd marry there someday. They always laughed about it - until Mike proposed and Kelsey booked the hotel.

See their photos ahead!


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