Think of something peaceful. Finding a waterfall while you're on a hike, how it invites you to sit and stay in the tranquility of its never-ending babble. A yoga class for one, designed to help you travel deep into the self, to reset the body and mind in a technology-free vacuum. Morgan Freeman whispering haikus in your ear. A sleeping puppy. Sundays.
Now think of President Donald Trump. No matter what you think of as peaceful, chances are it does not go well with Trump - a fact reflected in Trump's floundering approval ratings and countdowns to Twitter attacks. Clearly what America needs now is love, sweet love . . . and a peaceful president. And it's also the reason the idea of Trump being considered for a Nobel Peace Prize feels so far fetched - even laughable. Yet there's someone out there in the world who is gunning for the 45th POTUS to get the title, so much so that they have forged a nomination for the prize not once, but twice.
The Washington Post reports that, for the second year in a row, an individual has forged a nomination for Donald Trump to win the international honorific by stealing someone's identity. This is no easy feat, as the process of nominating is highly secretive and only allowed by certain university professors, government heads of state, former Peace Prize winners, and members of the Nobel Committee. The person in question must have faked one of the aforementioned persons' likeness to have slipped the nomination to the right place. The reasoning for the nomination is also unknown, whether it is for Trump's many righteous stompdowns of CNN or his incredible work getting witches to trend before Halloween.
It's also highly unusual because, well, this has never happened before. "We receive many invalid nominations each year in the sense that they don't meet the deadline or the nominator is not in fact qualified to nominate," Nobel Committee Secretary Olav Njolstad said the Post. "But to my knowledge, this is the first example of a forged nomination where someone has stolen the identity of another person." Njolstad discovered the fraudulent nomination by calling the person whose name had been forged to verify their nomination, only to have the person deny that they tossed Trump's name in the ring.
The false nomination is one of 329 given to organizations and individuals vying for the Prize, a number that is the second-highest number of candidates ever and a minor irony given how nonpeaceful the world seems at the moment. The false nomination isn't being taken lightly, either - police in Oslo, Norway, are seeking assistance from the FBI to find the forger.
The story of the false Peace Prize nomination is still developing, and no names of a potential culprit have yet to surface. Perhaps the faux bid was a prank by current college freshman and former Prize winner Malala Yousafzai or, perhaps, Prize-winning former Vice President Al Gore and President Barack Obama are trying to will peace into their old stomping grounds. While these theories are likely fake news, we'll have to wait until December to find out who the prestigious organization deems to have done the most work promoting peace. It likely will not be President Trump.
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/news/Trump-Nobel-Prize-Peace-Nomination-Forgery-March-2018-44627721