Ready for an entire day of self-care? Turn your home into a spa with these totally doable (and many DIY) ideas. Pick and choose from these mix-and-match activities, or use it as your schedule for the entire day to achieve the most blissed-out zen feeling ever. It'll do wonders for your mental health while helping you recover from workouts (and stress!) so you can keep kicking ass. Now treat yo'self!
- Start your aromatherapy diffuser. Essential oils will help you relax and get in the right headspace.
- Light some aromatherapy candles (or make your own aromatherapy candle!).
- Turn on some tranquil tracks or a gentle playlist to set a peaceful mood.
- Get hot water brewing for some healthy, delicious, calming tea.
- Make some spa water and put it in the fridge to chill for later.
- Blend up a juice shot to kick-start your metabolism.
- Make a nutritious breakfast, like a chia pudding parfait.
- Begin with some meditation and center yourself before starting your spa day treatments.
- Make a body scrub and give yourself some gentle exfoliation.
- Draw a hot bath with your favorite bath bomb, salts, bubble bath, or other body treatment.
- Give yourself a DIY facial, sheet mask or clay mask included. Or make your own mask!
- Do some trigger-point self-massaging, using a therapy ball or lacrosse ball. Use the foam roller while you're at it!
- Order a massage to your house with an on-demand app like Zeel or Soothe.
- Make a nutritious, healthy, and fresh lunch - smoothie included.
- Brew or shake up an adaptogen latte. Perfect for a midafternoon boost!
- Dry brush for a calming skincare (and possibly detox!) routine.
- Drink extra water throughout the whole day - hydration is super important!
- Make a DIY lip scrub and do some exfoliating.
- Use some body oil or a lotion with essential oils to give your skin some TLC.
- Try a hand or foot mask while you lounge in a bathrobe and watch your favorite movie or TV show.
- Practice a little more meditation and deep breathing to feel calm (bonus points if you inhale some calming essential oils).
- Wind down with a gentle yoga flow.
- Paint your nails or give yourself an at-home pedicure, foot soak included.
- Have a warming dinner to set up your cozy evening.
- Begin your bedtime routine and get some extra beauty sleep - you deserve it!
from POPSUGAR https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Self-Care-Spa-Day-Ideas-44291204