This Pillowcase Has "Pages" to Give You a Fresh Sheet Each Night - and Might Stop Breakouts

There are few delights in this world quite as sumptuous as falling asleep in brand-new, just-changed sheets (bonus points if the fabric is still warm from your dryer). One new pillowcase gives you the chance to replicate that feeling every night - not just laundry day! - and in doing so might stop your breakouts, too.

At first glance, this Déjà Pillowcase ($44) could be part of your standard white bed set. But it actually has seven "pages" that you can turn over each night to get a whole week's worth of sleep on a clean surface. That means any oils, bacteria, dirt, or grime your skin secretes or sweats off in the night doesn't get back on your pretty face the next time you sleep.

This cotton case is sturdy: every time you flip your "page," you can secure that section back with a ribbon. It's also machine washable, so after your week is up, all you have to do is pop it in the wash.

If you're ride or die with your silk pillowcase because you like how the gentle material protects your blowout and keeps your hair from breaking, don't turn up your nose at this option just yet! A silk Déjà option is in the works, but until then we're so intrigued by the cotton design, we will definitely be trying it out ourselves.


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